CSMA rugby

CSM Association Ltd is completely independent of the University of Exeter (as a Company Limited by Guarantee) and relies on subscriptions from members and sponsorship for our income.

The Directors of CSM Association are Roy Coates (ACSM 1994), Kim Moreton (Chair MCSM 2009), Andy Wetherelt (ACSM 1983, MSCM 2008), Emma Priestley (ACSM 1995), Martijn Mannot-Russell (ACSM 1991), Carol Richards (Secretary MSCM 1982), Jack Dukes (ACSM 2017). Our registration number with UK Companies House is 11404520.

Our aims are :

  1. To endeavour to maintain the identity of the Camborne School of Mines;
  2. To facilitate contact and foster comradeship between current and past students of the Camborne School of Mines;
  3. To advance the interests and present the views of past and current students of the Camborne School of Mines; and
  4. To provide a link between past and current students and the School and the CSM Trust

Membership of CSM Association can help you to keep you in touch with each other, wherever you are. About half the members are residing or working overseas, particularly in Australia, Malaysia, Southern Africa, West Africa, and in the US and Canada. Many being employed in production mining, or in exploration, in tunnelling, civil engineering, quarrying, oil & gas or in associated financial institutions.

We have a web app for your phones to make contact between members seamless. Please ask if you need help to install.

There used to be a saying that at the bottom of every hole in the world you would find a Cornishman; they may not now be a Cornishman, but it is likely that you will meet someone who has graduated from CSM.

Former students have traditionally had very close links with each other and with CSM. Sport has always played a very important part of the life of the School. The CSM RFC and CSM AFC have each celebrated their Centenary years and are amongst the oldest football clubs in the UK. The major social functions throughout the year are the ‘Barrel Match’ where current students play past students at rugby, soccer, hockey and squash and the ‘Bottle Match’ where CSM plays its old adversary, the Royal School of Mines (RSM) for an old black, battered, metal bottle.

We are proud to wear the CSM emblem, in the traditional silver, blue and gold and made up of the fifteen balls of Cornwall overlaid by CSM and a crossed pick and shovel. Our motto is ‘Laboris Gloria Ludi’, which has always been taken to mean ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’.

For the Privacy Policy and Code of Conduct for CSM Association Ltd, please see